6 Short Years Ago...
I can't believe that this time 6 years ago I was preparing for an event that would change my life completely, turn it upside down and inside out and make me a different person.
Tomorrow my Isabella Rose will be 6 years old and I am so sad that my 'baby' is gone but in her place I see a young girl growing and changing, driving me completely mad, but inspiring me and encouraging me to be a better person everyday for her.
This year is especially emotional because I have seen so many changes in Isabella mainly due to all she has dealt with in the last couple of months with Dan's illness having such an incredible impact on her young life. She will never be the same, and in many ways I cry for the loss of her innocence, because her world is no longer a place that only magical things happen in. Although in her beautiful, wonderful, incredibly imaginative mind it is still a truly special place.
I am so proud of who she is now and all that she may yet become. I think of all that lies ahead of her, the joy, sorrow, laughter and tears and hope I get to share in as much of it as possible.
My wish for her is to always be happy and to always know that she is loved unconditionally.
Happy Birthday my Darling Girl
Watch how she has grown...
Her first bath
She was so tiny!
This suit was a 00000
At 3 months of age
In the bath tub!
1st Photo Shoot
My Christening Gown
Cutting my Christening Cake!
My First Christmas!
First Birthday Photo Shoot!
1st Birthday!
My Princess!