
I love to brag about my gorgeous girl, my life as a teacher and the wonderful things my darling husband does that amuse and amaze me everyday. Please comment if something appeals to you, amuses you or inspires you.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Dan the Man is coming along nicely, thank you!

Hi all,

I thought it was time for a quick update since the last post was a bit worrying.

Well, things certainly got hairier and scarier before they got better.

First Monday of school hols and we ended up in Emergency when Dan's airways began to become crushed by the enlarged lymph nodes in his chest...then he was admitted to the Oncology ward.

Docs needed to start some kind of chemo treatment because Dan's symptoms were becoming life threatening. So began an aggressive chemo treatment which thankfully only lasted for 4 days.
Day 2 chemo

A few days anxious wait and another biopsy, expert pathology teams working over Easter weekend and we had a final diagnosis after 2 false starts.

It seems they were right to begin with, Hodgkin's Lymphoma, an aggressive form, stage 3B ( which means it was found in lymph nodes above and below the diaphragm and the 'b' indicates the symptoms he was experiencing, night sweats, fever, cough etc).

So began Dan's new chemo regime. 6 months of fortnightly chemo treatments to be administered through outpatient clinic. Phew! This was much better than the original plan of 14 day cycles in hospital every 3 weeks!

So Dan has had his first lot of his scheduled treatment and he is doing really well!
Fatigue is the biggest issue to deal with.

But we managed to get out today! First to the Farmer's Markets and then lunch at the pub. Then down to the marina to look at some boats we might buy when we win lotto this week... :)

His hair is almost all gone so we clipped it but he still looks gorgeous!

Now we just wait out the next 6 months and get back to 'normal'.

It's been amazing having so much support from all the gang at BayView State School. The parent and teachers have supported us with meals and babysitting and offers to do our lawn too!
It's overwhelming and a very emotional time for all of us.

I'm extremely proud of how my little family is dealing with this huge challenge. We couldn't have got this far without all the love and support we get each and everyday.

Thanks to everyone for all you have done.